In the 1970's Esselen Lodge hosted a show of the Koshare Indian Dancers at the Monterey Penisula
College Gymnasiam. The Koshare Indian Dancers are members of Scout Troop 232 and Venturing Crew 2230 from La Junta
The founder James Francis "Buck" Burshears (1909 - 1987) became the first Eagle Scout in southeastern Colorado.
Scoutmaster of the Koshare Indian Dancers from 1933 until his death in 1987, Buck was awarded the highest honors given to
an adult Scouter - the Silver Beaver, the Silver Antelope, the Silver Buffalo, and the Distinguished Eagle Scout award. A
Paul Harris Fellow in the Rotary Club, Buck was also blood brother to the Chippewa, adopted into the Blackfoot tribe, received
an honorary Doctorate for his work with youth, and was awarded the President's Volunteers in Action Award by President Ronald
The following photos are taken from 35mm slides.

