I can't remember if the last year I was at Esselen I was Vice Chief or
Secretary. I think someone at Council showed that I was Vice Chief, but can't remember. I do remember being Lodge Ceremonies
Chair for a few years, Cholon Clan Chief for a year, and I think Lodge Publications Chair one year too. The time would
have been 1973-1977. I was also Cholon Clan Adviser in 1989-90.
Where are they now, as you know, I am active in Topa Topa 291 in Ventura
County Council, I am currently serving my second year as Chapter Adviser for the Uhu-Ku chapter out of Simi Valley (Ronald
Reagan District) A Vigil Honor Member, and planning on attending NOAC 2006 with my son, Jack, who is Lodge Vice Chief of Programs,
as well as Section CVC as we are hosting the W-4-A Conclave this spring. Things are wacky around my house as you can
I am registered as Charter Rep for 3 units at our church for the past 9
years, one each Pack, Troop and Crew. I am self employed, own three companies that are internet based and tied to the
imprinting industry, have a wife of 20 years, Jana, and four children.
Thanks for the consideration
John Chinn
Peptukquekhikenk Wikhetschik "Circle Builder"