Pico Blanco Scout Reservation North Fork of the Little Sur River Big Sur California
Pico Blanco Scout
Reservation has three camps on the property. Camp Pico Blanco, Pioneer Camp and Fish Camp.
On January 1, 2013 Pico Blanco Scout Reservation became part of the new Silicon Valley Monterey
Bay Council as a result of the merger of the Monterey Bay Area Council and Santa Clara County Council.
"Men in the Making" was written by Alfred Young, the first Scout Executive of the Monterey Bay Area Council from
April 1933 to September 1961. The book covers the history of the developement of Pico Blanco Reservation and was published
in July 1963.
click here to download "Men in the Making"
The old Camp sign at Highway 1 and Palo Colorado Road and the
gateway sign on the camp road half way down from Botterchers Gap

Pico Blanco Scout Reservation is located in the Big Sur Coast area of Central
California, just 12 miles south of Carmel off Highway 1 and inland 14 miles on Palo Colorado Road. The reservation is situated
on over 800 acres along the North Fork of the Little Sur River and is surrounded by the Los Padres National Forest and bordered
by the Ventana Wilderness area.
The reservation property was purchased in 1948 from the William Randolph Hearst Family
and opened in 1954.
Donation check to purchase the property for the Pico Blanco Reservation
The building to the left is the showers on staff hill. Down the hill in
the center is the health lodge before the doctors add on. It's hard to see but beyond the health lodge in the trees you can
see the trading post/QM. Looks like they are just finishing the construction so that would date the picture in 1953 or early